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Showing posts from November, 2012

Avoid bad HTML

As you may know, you can easily put HTML tags in your editor fields, such as the caption field, or the message field on the home page, or even in the head-tags variable, etc. I always encourage my clients to feel free to use some minimal formatting they may want to include in these fields, because doing so is relatively easy and really shouldn't require hiring a professional to do so. I always tell them also, to be careful with the HTML they put in those fields, and DO hire a professional if they find the need to add more complex HTML - for example, beyond just bolding words, or emphasizing phrases, etc. However, I keep coming across stores where merchant-edited HTML nearly bring the store to its knees. Yes, that actually can be done! Why? Because web pages - therefore Yahoo Store pages - are made up of HTML tags, so if you throw a wrench in there, expect things to break.... Adding simple formatting is harmless. You can easily bold words, change the appearance of fonts, etc. It b...