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Showing posts from October, 2015

Transition to Luminate

No doubt most of you know by know about the impending spin-off of Yahoo Small Business as a new company called Luminate. Today, Yahoo sent out a Questions and Answers document ( ) which has quite a bit of useful info, but we did receive a number of inquiries from our clients because, understandably, they are anxious about these forthcoming changes. Most of the questions we've got revolve around how the domain name changes will affect their stores. So for starters, the domain name changes won't happen until the actual "spin-off" date, when Yahoo Small Business splits off from Yahoo. That date has not been announced yet. Some of you inferred from the Yahoo mailing that the domains will change on October 14, which is not the case. At the time the spin-off happens, the yahoo domain names (for example the URL of the shopping cart, or search page) will change, BUT there will be automatic redirects i

8 Advantageous Predictions for Website Designing in 2015

It’s a humbling privilege to be the voice of this week’s YTimes newsletter.  My name is Julia Fowler and I’ve enjoyed numerous opportunities over the past decade to exchange personally with many of you in Yahoo’s Small Business community, but it’s been an especial privilege to have partnered with Istvan for the past several years as his Chief Creative Officer and Lead Designer.   While I most often get to hide behind the scenes, it’s an honor to be addressing you this week from the front-lines of the design team.  Hopefully if you’re looking to bring your website in line with the current marketplace staples, these insights will help you understand some of the what’s and ‘why’s of how to do just that.     8 Advantageous Predictions for Website Designing in 2015 If you've been contemplating making changes to your website design, now could be the right time.  The developments showing favor in 2015 could turn your outdated model into a sales-generating-machine with the right strateg