With the July 30, 2008 Store Manager / Editor update a few shortcuts we came to love because useless overnight. For example: - Rob Snell's Magic Edit button no longer works. There is an update on this at the Yahoo! Store forums . - You cannot just type http://edit.store.yahoo.com/RT/NEWEDIT.yourstoreid into the address bar of the browser and go directly to the editor. Now, it will ALWAYS dump you into the Store Manager first. - You cannot be logged into more than one store simultaneously. The folks at Yahoo Small Business said these changes were necessary to tighten security. Ok, I buy that, and appreciate the fact that they are continuously looking for ways to make our stores more secures. My problem, though, is that I felt these changes seriously limited me in my daily work. Ok, I work with Yahoo Stores for a living, so maybe not everybody has 5-10 different stores open in different tabs all at the same time. But there are merchants who run multiple Yahoo Stores, and they are, to...