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Showing posts from May, 2012

Don't publish your catalog

Catalog Manager (for non-legacy Yahoo Stores) provides a nicer, easier to use interface to update your products. You can sort and page through your items, look for items using simple and advanced searches, or edit or delete multiple items at once, tasks that are not very easily done in the store editor. If you ever work in Catalog Manager, you may also have noticed the "Publish" button there. The inline help says, if you publish your catalog, all the changes will be immediately visible on your site. You may be tempted to use this function particularly if your editor usually takes a long time to publish, however, if your store is an editor-based store, publishing the catalog separately from the editor is not for you. Catalog Manager was originally created to allow access to the product catalog for stores that are built on the web hosting account using "store tags". Today, of the thousands of Yahoo stores very few use store tags (and I don't recommend it eithe...