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Showing posts from June, 2011

Multi-Add and Yahoo Floating Cart Blues

Although the Yahoo! Floating Cart is considered pretty much bug free by Yahoo (you can look at the official open issues list here ) , there are some pretty "interesting" issues still, so since I keep running into them, I decided to post them here along with the work-arounds. The following issues all occur with multi-add forms only. 1) If you have your quantity set up as anything other than a simple text box (for example a drop-down SELECT box), the floating cart will not take the quantity value. It will take vwquantity as a customer-selected option. The workaround: use a text box instead. Nothing else works currently. 2) If you have a script that checks if the shopper made a selection from a drop-down (basically, any kind of an "onsubmit" handler), the floating cart will still receive the item, even if you cancel the submit event. The workaround: put the event handler on the click...

What screen resolution should I use?

I get this question often. Or variations of it such as "is it safe to expand my site to 1200px now?" According to W3Scools , as of January of this year, about 13% of all internet users are still on 1024x768, which is a high enough proportion to make me play it safe and set the max width at 980px so that these folks can see the site OK. If you go any higher, these people will have to scroll sideways, which is traditionally a major "no-no" (simply because it's annoying.) However, you should check your own stats to see what percentage of YOUR visitors have that resolution, because your demographic segment may very well be different from the average.